Sigma: Creating New Sales Channels
I was tasked by the CEO to identify which departments would be the best sales targets for our BI tool, then create an experience that would convince them of Sigma's value, and their ability to use our tool. Goal: Drive free trial signups.
Free Trial
Compared to Prior Site Hub
Pac-12: Maximizing TV Provider Leads
We wanted to boost viewership & tv partner leads. I determined that the traffic to game/event pages right before the start of the game were fans wanting to find out how to watch the game. So I made that easy for fans to do no matter how they wanted to watch, or what device they were on. We executed this across multiple channels.
Drove Additional Leads in First Season
Yahoo! Fantasy Sports Freemium Upsells
Yahoo! wanted to boost revenue from the premium tools in fantasy sports. We figured out how to make those options more prominent in the free games, and make their value to the user more obvious.
Increased Revenue Year Over Year
Arizona St. Same-Day Ticket Modules
Schools were struggling with football ticket sales. I noticed traffic patterns that indicated opportunities to better serve fans checking out ticket options the day of home games. ​We built automated modules to work across all schools. Sidearm Sports then copied the idea and sold it to their 100+ clients.
Yahoo! Travel Research & Redesign
We wanted to better understand how people planned travel -- and what triggered them to go from "just looking" to "it's real, we're going". We discovered a common type of trip was where users had decided the type of experience they wanted (e.g. romantic getaway, golf vacation, etc) but hadn't decided where to go to get it. We created hubs for the most common experience-based trips and those became highly desired advertising and sponsorship opportunities.
Created net new category of landing pages w/high sponsorship value