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Data analytics has long required more technical skill than most marketers have. How can we demonstrate Sigma's value and show it's not too hard for them?


Identify a common, valuable marketing use case. Break down steps. Help them do the analysis themselves. Let them try it with their own data via a free trial.


The new marketing analytics hub drove 5X free trial signups vs the old text-heavy version. We also saw longer sessions and more engagements in the new experience.

Identify common, valuable marketing analytics use cases â€‹



- Surveys of marketers who use data but don't use Sigma. (50+)

- Follow-up interviews. (5-10)


We needed a use case that was relevant to both B2B marketers and B2C marketers. Campaign spend attribution is something nearly every marketing department does repeatedly. And it is critical to measuring performance and advocating for budget. 

Sigma Marketing BI Use Cases

What marketers said were the most important use cases for them to solve for as part of their job, and what they'd like to be able to do in the future. 

Identify pain points with campaign spend attribution 


For marketers aggregating the data to look across platforms was the biggest blocker. Second was organizing and analyzing the data.


So the scenario we'd walk them through had to help them do that.

Sigma: Marketers BI Pain Points

Get feedback on potential content and workflow


Here I created some basic wireframes and flow of an experience that would show marketers the use case, do the steps themselves in a Sigma interface, then upload their own data to do the analysis. I shared this with external, non-Sigma marketers. The flow diagram shows the pieces we had in the flow. The responses showed which elements participants found most valuable, and those were the ones we focused on in the actual product.   


  • They found the clickthrough and tutorial equally valuable and more valuable than the rest.

  • Many preferred the easiest-to-more complex sequence of steps but some wanted to jump around.

  • The trigger to be fully convinced of Sigma's value was doing it with their own data. 

Sigma: Marketing BI Workflow
Screen Shot 2022-09-18 at 9.32.20 PM.png

User flows through new marketing hub and free trial signup.

Craft UX and product design


We presented the options to visitors in a form of progressive complexity, starting with the 20-30 second clickthrough example. However, users could also jump to which section they were most interested in. (In screenshot the first two steps across the top are doing the clickthrough and then the tutorial.)


Once launched the Sigma For Marketing Analytics hub drove 5X the number of free trial signups as the old, text-heavy version of the page. Session length and engagements on the page roughly doubled. 

Sigma: Marketing Data DIY Screenshot

Video of part of the tutorial


This shows a .segment of the tutorial where marketers are doing the analysis in the Sigma interface. From here they can sign up for a free trial and do this analysis with their own data. 

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