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Yahoo's basic fantasy sports options were free. How could we get more fans to purchase more premium tools/features?


Users wanted to easily go between live games and their fantasy teams. So we incorporated the fantasy StatTracker--a paid product--into the free GameChannel app. 


The combined tools and cross-selling opportunities led to a $1MM increase in revenue in the first year.

Combine GameChannel and StatTracker into one interface


Serious fantasy baseball players wanted to easily follow real games and track fantasy team performance. GameChannel was the free app to track real games. So we added the paid tool, StatTracker, to GameChannel. We then added fantasy player data into the GameChannel interface so users could easily see how their fantasy players were doing while following a real game. 

For fans on GameChannel who did not have StatTracker, or who did not play fantasy sports, we used that space in the GameChannel interface to promote paid fantasy features or signing up for fantasy sports. 

Integrate useful info from one side of the app into the other

If one of your fantasy players is in a real game you're following on GameChannel then their performance (and relevant fantasy points) are highlighted in-line. And your fantasy league scores show up below so you can toggle to those easily. On the StatTracker side users see the scores of the real games below their fantasy team performance. That includes indicators when teams may be close to scoring so they can toggle over to the live game.

Yahoo Fastasy Sports GameChannel
Yahoo Fastasy Sports StatTracker
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